Monday, June 18, 2012

Ah, yes, more introductions!

I'm back again, guys. How has your reading/writing/working been going? I've been making some (alright, a lot...) of progress on my novel-outline for VEILED, and I thought, hey, why don't I introduce some of my characters to the blogging world? Seeing that there are about twenty thousand main characters, I'll center in on a few of my personal favorites.

First, Sault. (Who I have conveniently picked Charlize Theron to play in my brain.)

Sault Princely Bigod, the daughter of Kurt Bigod, the woman of light, beauty, and birth. The Queen of the North. Mother of two daughters and two sons, who will be the next kings and lords of the land. 

Sault is one of my favorites because there is so much to her. She is far more than anyone can expect. She is beautiful, capable, and extremely powerful.

Second, Magneea. (I have no idea the name of this model, but she is beautiful.)

Magneea Brava, the bastard child of a lord, who rose to the top as the first wife of King of the West, Klaus. Queen of the West, but still discriminated against because of her color. 
Magneea has always been given the shorter side of the stick because of racism that doesn't stop when you enter a fantasy world. And then, even after she married the King of the West, she is still being told she isn't good enough. Klaus' other wife, Elyn, is the chief adversary of Magneea's and does everything she can to ruin her life.

Third, Nero. (He was one of the last ones I picked... Nero was a very hard choice, but I think James Franco fits nicely.)

King of the South, Nero is always the mediator of his brothers. He brings out the best in all of them, and for that, he is universally loved. His looking for the best in everyone also brings his down fall.
I love Nero a lot and feel pretty bad that he ends up being the one that is ruined the worst. Some truly terrible things happen to one of the best people, but come on, isn't that real life?

Well guys, those are three of my favorite characters from VEILED.

What are some of your favorite characters from your project? How is your writing going this week?


  1. Hello Dia!
    I'm not very into knowing actors (their names) or models or anything like that: so picking out people to play characters is such a difficult thing for me. I'd rather just make a sketch to explain, haha. But wow, based on those descriptions, the actors are perfect! I'm a fan of James Franco, so I'm a bit tempted to read this novel of yours. I'll be on the lookout for it in the stores when it gets published!

    Best of luck,

  2. Oh I'm glad you're enjoying Prison Nation- I can't wait to read it! Thank you for commenting!
